When the gunshot is fired at the start of the Olympic final of a 100m dash, 8 world-class sprinters on the block will leap towards their dream of Olympic glory. All 8 equally skilled, each one equally trained, equally driven, all of them with the same hunger to win. Each one committed to chasing (pardon the poor pun) their life’s single purpose and calling, and each one, to be sure, aspiring to be chased from the moment that gunshot goes…
Posts tagged BPM and Change Management
Challenging the Status Quo….
Updated and republished. Craig Reid posted a great write-up about customer on-boarding this week that I think is a good read covering some of the usual issues plaguing the old customer on-boarding process. I am repeatedly surprised when I learn about how badly organizations – fairly large ones at that – handle customer on-boarding. If on-boarding is as important as it might seem, judging from the vehemence with which they agree it is, how come it turned out such a mess?…
Challenging the Status Quo.
Craig Reid posted a great write-up about customer on-boarding this week that I think is a good read covering some of the usual issues plaguing the old customer on-boarding process. I am repeatedly surprised when I learn about how badly organizations – fairly large ones at that – handle customer on-boarding. If on-boarding is as important as it might seem, judging from the vehemence with which they agree it is, how come it turned out such a mess? Craig lists…
BPM Case Studies – The good, the bad and the good in the bad…
When, during a vendor presentation, the PowerPoint section separator mentions ‘Key Case Studies’ or something like that, you do one of the following – Lean forward in your chair and listen intently to see parallels to your own situation Yawn involuntarily. Or voluntarily, depending on who is running the slides. Interrupt at the 23rd second after the title of the next slide has been read, to ask – “did you use agile or waterfall?” and then drift into a rewarding…
Agility is not ONLY a Software Feature….
One of the recurring themes in product demos in the recent past is that all too familiar spiel about being “technology for business”. To be sure, this T for B angle is a really good thing and all that. But it’s a problem when vendors lay that out freely and happily without having a product that genuinely lives up to that spiel. And what’s worse, when they notice that you don’t display any skepticism and that your eyebrows didn’t…
#BPM Agility, Change, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
I think there is a need for this thing called Agility in your organization. You agree? You do? OK. I had a feeling you would. It is a burning need, no? Third degree, even. Now let me ask you this. Of all those people in your organization – CXOs, Business users, process owners, compliance managers, IT, you name it – who do you think has the biggest need for that agility? [sound of clock ticking] Ok, let me pose that…
Last week I’d written on how having a well thought-out change mgt program is critical for BPM success. As a first step, a BPM program has to overcome what I’d like to call BPM Inertia. Defn. of Inertia from Physics – The tendency of a body to preserve its state of rest or of uniform motion, unless acted upon by an external force. BPM Inertia therefore, could be defined as the tendency of a person, group or community in an…