2010 was a good year for BPM – more firms took to BPM, while many firms already using BPM set off to unlock more value from BPM; most top vendors posted another year of great growth; overall BPM visibility increased significantly and it is gradually becoming less of a concept understood only by few and defined differently by many. What most purists and proponents fundamentally think and opine on BPM tends to get a little muddled – if I may…
Posts tagged IT Industry
Social Media: What’s In It For Business?
Even if you take all the generous media attention and coverage away, the social media wave seems to be certainly picking momentum. And I don’t say that just by looking at the number of sign-ups Facebook has each day or how many tweets get fired each second. That doesn’t really suggest an organization should invest in this new trend. What seemed like a fad for college kids has soon made analysts, IT decision makers and vendors sit up and seriously…
OK, So Now I am Redundant. Now What?
Now, considering the response to my previous post Leadership and Redundancy, I think the number of people who have some strong opinions about their bosses is quite overwhelming. For, this post has drawn a huge audience through referrals.
Leadership and Redundancy
Recently, Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat state, made a statement about the Indian Prime Ministers absence from office. Modi had called Manmohan Singh a weak man and had criticised the Prime Minister for being away from office for several weeks despite knowing that the PM was undergoing surgery.
Customer Support, How Can We Help You?
An endless number and combinations of technologies are available for organizations to use, woo and win customers and then keep them happy. There is even a spate of emerging technologies – like Enterprise 2.0, that is going to be immensely valuable in this. But, exactly how valuable? Like I had discussed in one of my earlier posts(Click:The Corrotion of Competitive Advantage), all these technologies are available equally to all players. But, obviously the same technologies or combination of technologies produce…
A Challenge Called YOU
There is this problem of the convertibility that’s a big worry for IT vendors from India. There is the constant challenge quarter on quarter to grow steadily. There is perpetual fear of eroding margins. There is a constant need to improve quality. There is the constant demand for higher wages.