Last week, while I was in London on work, I had to stand around for over an hour outside a client’s office building, in the cursed cold weather, waiting for my colleague to show up. I could only enter the office with him as he was the one with access to the building and authority to sign me in.
This kind of a situation isn’t always a very pleasant experience. Especially if it was a first-thing-in-the-morning meeting, and more so when you haven’t had time for breakfast or coffee before you left the hotel room.
Between curses and feeling sorry for myself, I got me a sandwich from Pret.
In some strange way, I was glad my colleague was late. There was new warmth in the cold I couldn’t have felt otherwise.
‘The cold outside’ where I had to spend time waiting, apparently was ‘home’ for many.

Sometimes some sandwiches taste better and make your stomach happy.
And heart happier.
Just like BPM.
Ok ok. That BPM bit is BS. Ok. Fine. It has nothing to do with BPM, but if you ever keep a colleague waiting for a meeting, don’t be too sorry, for it may have a larger purpose, even if not always for the homeless, at least in some way for that fussing colleague of yours as an individual. 😉
Have a wonderful warm time during the holidays, all!
Nice thought for the Holidays. Even though I got pulled in with the BPM angle 🙂
Happy New Year!