I am not the type that regularly keeps up with discussions on LinkedIn groups. I want to be that type, though. Unfortunately a rather erratic work schedule, frequent travel, waves of intense 12-14 hour workdays for weeks make it rather tough to be that type. I manage to drop by some groups whenever I get a chance though. Lately I have been following a few new groups and discussions and while there is a lot of noise there, I was quite taken by the quality and insight of some of the comments. One of the topics over at Harvard Business Review’s LinkedIn Group has really left me awestruck. A post by Jeanne Roué-Taylor titled Is there anything we can’t do while texting? has opened one of the most interesting discussion threads I’ve ever seen. Take a look at the discussion here – there are a staggering 537 comments at the time of posting this piece. It’s incredible to see the kaleidoscope of colourful perspectives people bring to some of these forum discussions. << [go to post]